
Showing posts from October, 2018


Multiple Currency Merchant Account – In order to have a Multiple Currency Merchant Account or Multi-Currency Merchant Account, you do not pay any type of wire transfer fees. Also, it is not mandatory for a merchant to have an Offshore or foreign account. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the Benefits of Having Multiple Currency Merchant Account. This will also help you understand the pros and cons to accept Multiple Currency with an Online Merchant Account. Multi-Currency Merchant Account – Merchant Stronghold: Having a multi-currency merchant account can be a very easy way to increase the sales for a business from the international buyers. The Multiple Currency Merchant Account or Multi-Currency Merchant Account allows a merchant to display the prices of products and services in different currency. This means the buyers can choose the product from the list and make the payment as per their currency. This also helps Merchants to increase revenue. It is very much requir

How the ACH Payment Processing Saves Time and Money?

ACH Payment Processing Saves Time and Money – To maximize the profit and increase the customer, you need to choose the best business practice for the business. This includes the payment methods or payment system as well. The credit card has revolutionized the payment industries and, the security and benefits provided by the service providers have encouraged the users to these services. For the merchant, one of the most popular and beneficial payment services is the ACH Payments. This article will help a merchant understand why ACH Payment processing saves time and money. You can also contact Merchant Stronghold and talk to an expert to help you get the best merchant services. What are ACH Payments? The ACH stands for the Automated Clearing House, which is an electronic payment system. It is an electronic network for the financial transaction in the United States. The ACH processes huge transaction amount that is debited or credited. Also, the most common uses of ACH are on

Different Methods To Accept Payment For Merchant

Online Payment Methods Every year there is an exponential increase in the number of digital transactions. This means more and more people are choosing online payment methods than any other ways. Surely the online payment processor and service provider is flourishing, as everyone is looking for a secure and fast method to make payment for what he or she wants. Picking the right payment option and method for someone new to the merchant market can be tricky. To help our users, we are providing a list of secure and reliable Online Payment Methods that can ease your task. PayPal The most widely accepted online payment method. You need to create a user account and then follow the given instruction and you are all set to use the PayPal. Here are some of the features of the PayPal. If you are a merchant then you can directly add the PayPal button on the home screen of your website. This will help the visitor on your website to directly connect to the PayPal payment gateway in orde

Understanding High-Risk Business - Merchant Stronghold

You are most likely wondering what a high-risk business is. if you arrived on this page. This is a term that you can find very often in the financial world and it does bring in front quite a lot of challenge even for the industry professionals. We are here to eliminate the shroud and offer you a great solution! One thing you need to know is that high risk businesses are operating within a high risk industry most of the time. The industry doesn’t have lots of customers or it has plenty of competition and its sales and dwindling to say the least. You will also see that most of the high risk businesses have financial troubles, with various problems like company viability and the inability to get financing, merchant accounts and so on. Yes, a high risk business will have a hard time getting a merchant account, although there are high risk merchant accounts that can be acquired at times. It’s important to note that such a business can have a hard time getting online payments just

How To Innovate At Point-Of-Sale?

Innovate at Point-of-Sale – As the technology is advancing, the methods to make a safe and fast transaction is also flourishing in the market. The old-school cash transaction is always more reliable and preferred method to purchase goods and services. But customers are also being attracted towards the cashless transactions especially in the case of online shopping. The credit card industry has changed the way people shop. And from the merchant’s end, a little innovation at Point-of-Sale can raise a good profit for the business. In this article, we are discussing methods for the merchant to innovate at point-of-sale. If you are facing some issues concerning your merchant account or any other merchant services then feel free to contact Merchant Stronghold at their toll-free number +1(888) 622-6875. You can also try to get informational articles related to your concern. What is Point-of-Sale or POS? Point-of-Sale or POS is a system that allows easy and f

A Quick Guide to Understand Terminated Merchant File or TMF

Terminated Merchant File – Most merchants do not know about the Terminated Merchant File until they have been added to one. Once you are added to the TMF, the merchant service providers refuse your request to open a new merchant account. When the merchant does not follow the norms of business properly, owns a high-risk business and/or has a great number of chargeback in previous processing, the MasterCard can put the merchant in the Terminated Merchant File. What is MATCH list And Its Pros & Cons? Created and maintained by MasterCard, the MATCH list is the information of the comparatively high-risk merchants . Other networks such as Visa and American Express can also access this list or data. The MATCH stands for Member Alert To Control High-Risk. This list has its benefits and loss that can affect a merchant and the business. Pros of MATCH List: The main advantage is for the Acquiring bank. The bank can choose not to deal with the merchant if it’sa MATCH List mer

How to Set Up My Business to Accept Credit Cards?

A mеrсhаnt ассоunt lets your buѕinеѕѕ ассерt dеbit and сrеdit card рауmеntѕ. This аrtiсlе will wаlk you through thе 4-step process оf асԛuiring/setting up a mеrсhаnt account for уоur buѕinеѕѕ. Thеrе аrе twо wауѕ tо get a mеrсhаnt account; bоth rеԛuirе that уоu enter into an agreement: Entеr intо аn agreement with a mеmbеr bank thаt has a processing rеlаtiоnѕhiр with Viѕа аnd Mastercard. Enter intо аn аgrееmеnt with аn authorized agent оf the member bаnk, such аѕ an independent sales organization оr member ѕеrviсе рrоvidеr (ISO/MSP.) The аgrееmеnt means thаt уоur buѕinеѕѕ аgrееѕ to аbidе bу the ореrаting rеgulаtiоnѕ еѕtаbliѕhеd bу thе саrd credit brаndѕ. Step 1: Dеtеrminе how credit саrd рауmеntѕ work with уоur business Before you ѕеt uр a mеrсhаnt account, it’ѕ important tо think аbоut hоw уоu want сrеdit card рауmеntѕ tо wоrk fоr уоur buѕinеѕѕ. Sоmе kеу ԛuеѕtiоnѕ tо соnѕidеr inсludе: What tуреѕ of credit card brаndѕ dо уоu wаnt tо ассерt? Viѕа аnd Mаѕtеrсаrd are

What to Do If Your Credit Card Application Is Denied?

When you apply for credit card Processing , you have no clue where your application will go. The details about the choice of not issuing a credit card processing contact you through the mail, in which the details about the choice is given all the more accurately. Why Credit Card Applications are Denied Let’s now discuss various possible reasons for declination of application for credit card processing : Age Your age is another factor for the denial of your request. If you are under 18, the issuer will not accept your request, as it is not the legal age.Your age is another factor for the denial of your request. If you are under 18, the issuer will not accept your request, as it is not the legal age. Incomplete Application Form If you don’t complete the application form completely or correctly, it can lead to denial. So it is better to apply for credit card processing online as it will not submit your request until and unless all the fields are full. Loan Balance  If you

A Merchant’s Guide To Process Credit Card Payments After Signature Rule Change

Credit Card Payments After Signature Rule Change – A recent fluctuation in the card payment industry has overwhelmed a lot of merchants. With new changes to the rules of card processing, it is becoming difficult for the merchants to keep track of them while managing a business. However, these changes are also necessary to maintain the diffusion of currency lawful. In this article, we discuss the details related to Credit Card Payments After Signature Rule Change. We will discuss old and new rules related to the payment after signature. For more information, feel free to contact Merchant Stronghold at the toll-free number. What was the Earlier Credit Card Payment Rule? The MasterCard was the first network to announce the change. Before that, credit card payment followed these rules: Before the year 2017, a cardholder needs to sign over the payment slip after the successful transaction. And that slip was kept by the merchant as a document of a genuine purchase. Now, in cas

7 Tips to Choose Best Merchant Service Provider

Choose Best Merchant Service Provider – According to the recent market performance studies, 96% of the Americans prefer online shopping for some reasons or the other. Online shopping is a very convenient and hassle-free way to measure out your priorities in an open market space. Credit cards and debit cards were there in the market for a very long time but were not used very frequently for shopping in a traditional retail store. With the boom in online shopping, the use of a credit card, debit card, and various other cards that enables you to make the payment has become common in the marketplace. As a business owner, whether you’re selling your items online or traditionally, it’s very necessary for you to have a merchant account to be capable to accept the payments done by different cards online or otherwise. A merchant account is an account, which allows a business owner or in other words ‘merchant’ to accept payments done by the customer by various cards, debit, and credit card m

Tips To Streamline Online Payment Services

Streamline Online Payment Services – Handling the online presence of your business is a difficult task. Furthermore, in the generation of competition, you must make your product and performances that make the customer stick to your services. This also includes the streamline online payment services. You can read this article for the tips to get a number of customers at your platform. In case, you are facing some trouble with your business related to the merchant account or credit card management then feel free to contact Merchant Stronghold . We help you get the best merchant processing services by evaluating your business closely. Reduce the Check out Time Many experts claim if the customer spends too much time during the checkout, the chances of dropping the purchase also increases. You can try these methods to reduce the checkout time. Give the customer the option to login and then explore your products. Moreover, you can also offer to add the delivery details or addr