You Must Know The 5 Things Before Starting an E-commerce Website

With new eCommerce sites popping up each day, online shopping is turning into the simplest and most helpful approach to buy products and services. But, not every entrepreneurial venture into the online market have been successful. The greatest supporter of eCommerce failure is lack of knowledge.

While there are similitudes between the traditional method for doing business and running an online store, there are key differences that influence the business development and the overall customer experience, which at last decide the achievement of an eCommerce site.

Things to know before Launching an E-commerce Website

Few things every e-commerce entrepreneur should know when launching a new online store:


A website’s look and feel is the first impression a customer gets of an online business. Neon signs in the window of a brick-and-mortar store might attract customers, but a flashy website design with all the latest bells and whistles meant to impress visitors may not. The more complicated a website the more difficult it is for a customer to find a product. One important rule to keep in mind is “the fewer clicks it takes a customer to get to what they want, the more satisfied they will be with their shopping experience.” On the technical side, many times fancy website design options don’t perform well and may cause visitors to become confused or irritated.


Before launching an eCommerce site,  get to know your competition and target audience. Rivalry for a nearby business might be constrained to different stores in a similar neighbourhood. Well, competition for an online store can be around the world. Ensure there is a business opportunity for the products or services. See whether these products or services have something new or preferred to give customers over the opposition.


Business-to-business (B2B) is the sale of goods, services or information to businesses rather than consumers. It is anticipated that B2B deals will before long surpass deals to buyers. Obviously, online deals to individual consumers, called e-tailing, will continue to be a popular choice.


It’s surprising that some people still believe the myth that, “if they create a website, people will automatically find it.” This worked in the 1989 fantasy sports movie “Field of Dreams” when a farmer heard the words, “If you build it, he will come.” And, it works to some extent for brick-and-mortar stores in attracting the attention of passersby on their way to somewhere else.

But, this hasn’t proven true for the thousands of undiscovered and under-discovered websites currently existing around the globe. Marketing is a needed component of any business plan, no matter what products or services are being sold or where they are being sold, and there are many means to attracting traffic to a particular website, like website adverts, telemarketing, direct mail, email marketing, affiliate marketing and social media. Then there is organic search engine optimization (SEO) involving web usability, link building, keywords, meta tags, etc.


It's about difficult to ignore a customer when face-to-face in a brick-and-mortar store. But, it’s easier when the only contact us via phone or email. Besides, Plus via telephone and through email can feel more generic. In all circumstances, merchants need to ensure their customer benefit divisions regard and treat their customer well by being open and accessible, reacting rapidly, reasonably and truly, and giving answers for objections and request. A business can get by with fair to good customer service; in any case, the advantages of incredible to remarkable customer service will exceed any additional effort or cost to build an exceptional customer friendly environment.


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